The cost that he incurs in this decision, then, is only ex ante; as soon as his decision is made and the choice is exercised and his resource committed, the cost disappears. 那么,由他的决定所引起的成本只出现在事前;一旦他作出决定,并投入资源行动起来,成本就消失了,成为历史成本,永远地消失了。
This dissertation studies ex ante screening device on creditor risk management in each representative pattern of inventory financing. 针对存货融资的三种典型模式,考察信贷人事前风险管理中的甄别问题。
Put another way, diversification can be expected to reduce the variability of returns, or, in ex ante terms, the overall dispersion of possible outcomes. 换言之,多样化将降低回报的可变性,或者说降低可能结果的整体差量。
This paper has dealt with an important aspect of accounting, which consists of the demarcation of accounting data and information, based on Ex Post information, from required Ex Ante information. 前言:研究了会计核算的一个重要方面,包括以“事后记录”信息为基础的会计核算数据和信息与所需的“事前预测”信息的界定。
Interest and principal payments ( usually certain ex ante) may be higher than the investment returns ( which are uncertain ex ante). 利息和本金(事先确定好的)可能高于投资回报(通常事先并不确定)。
Behaviorally, clients exercise less control both ex ante and ex post in relationships in which the outsourced task requires a high degree of creativity on the part of the supplier. 行为上,在这种对供应商有很高的创新性要求的外包任务中,客户很少实施事前和事后控制。
For an individual's cost is subjective and ephemeral; it appears only ex ante, at the moment before the individual makes a decision. 一个人的成本是主观的,转瞬即逝。它只出现在事前,即在人作出决定之前。
Research on independent innovation investment decisions of the licensee under ex ante licensing 事前技术许可条件下被许可企业自主创新投资决策研究
The ex ante perspective is forward looking. “事先”视角乃是向前看的。
Ex ante funding refers to the accumulation of a reserve or a fund upon which the deposit insurer can draw in the event of a bank failure. 事前资金投入指的是一种储备的积累或是一笔可以在银行倒闭情况下能够提取的资金。
The ex ante perspective in legal theory is loosely connected with consequentialist ( or utilitarian or welfarist) approaches to moral theory. 法律理论中的事后的视角与道德理论中的结果论(者说是功利主义、利主义)在一定松散的关联。
Ex ante funding requires the accumulation and maintenance of a fund to cover deposit insurance claims and related expenses prior to a bank failure. 事前资金投入要求资金积累与维持可以覆盖存款保险要求和银行倒闭前的相关支出。
He's right that ex post he potentially enjoys the benefits of competition, but he neglects the question of ex ante bargaining. 他说得对的地方在于,事后他有可能享受到竞争带来的好处,但他没有考虑事前议价的问题。
Research on Ex Ante Disclosure Principle of Standard-setting Organizations 'Patent Policy and a Modified Model 标准化组织专利政策采用事先披露原则的利弊分析及改进模式探讨
On inventory pledge loan, creditor can screen on borrowers with asymmetric information of ex ante default possibility, when taking into account borrowers'signaling action by acquiring a credit score. 研究存货质押贷款中,当信贷人对借款人质押前违约概率信息不对称时,考虑借款人信号发送行为时对借款人的甄别。
A large literature on ex ante moral hazard in income insurance emphasizes that the individual can affect the probability of an income loss by choice of lifestyle and hence, the degree of risk-taking. 目前大部分有关创业投资的研究多针对创业者的道德危险提出解决方式,却忽略了创投公司可能的投机行为。
The ex ante analysis of perfect information acquiring in decision making under uncertainty is discussed mainly. The concept of the perfect information of single state acquiring is introduced and an example is given. 然后主要针对不确定性决策完全信息获得的事前分析进行了讨论,给出了单状态完全信息获得的概念和一个实际分析例子;
In the supply chain, the problems in agency mainly involve the adverse selection caused by ex ante information asymmetry and moral hazard caused by ex post information asymmetry. 供应链中的委托代理问题主要包括由事前信息不对称引起的逆向选择问题和由事后信息不对称引起的道德风险问题。
So loan contract is the carrier that helps the implement of ex ante control of credit risks. 借贷契约就为银行如何实施这种风险的事前控制提供了一个很好的载体。
First ex ante and ex post non-arbitrage interval models are proposed for Cu futures, which are then used in case studies. 首先,运用无套利基本原理,分别给出了事前预测和事后检验的期货无套利区间模型;
Modern enterprise theories make incomplete contract and asymmetric information between principal and agent as one of the basic hypothesizes. Agency problems caused by ex ante incomplete contract and ex post asymmetric information exist generally. 现代企业理论的研究和发展把委托人和代理人之间的契约不完全和信息不对称作为其基本假设之一,事前的契约不完全以及事后代理双方的信息不对称使得代理问题在企业里普遍存在。
The developed countries, on the contrary, manage the catastrophic risks actively, using insurance, reinsurance and capital market instruments to transfer and finance the catastrophic risks, that is, ex ante risk financing. 而发达国家采用积极的应对巨灾的措施,通过保险、再保险、发行巨灾债券等措施建立灾前融资机制,将巨灾风险转移到保险市场和资本市场。
A Study on Incomplete Contract and Ex Ante Control of Credit Risks 不完备契约与商业银行信贷风险的事前控制研究
The theory of incentives shows that headquarters has to trade off the incentive cost including the ex ante limited liability rents and the expected revenue produced by induced effort due to the moral hazard and limited liability of division managers in capital budgeting within decentralized firms. 根据激励理论,在分权化企业的资本预算中,若分部管理者存在道德风险与有限责任,总部管理者必须对包含事前有限责任租金的激励成本与激励努力带来的预期收益进行权衡。
Finally, the author designs a mechanism with ex ante constraint and ex post intervention, which can make the preferential behavior of equity financing endogenous. 本文设计了一个事前约束和事后干预机制,可以把股权融资偏好行为内生化。
Pate two starts from incomplete contract theory and the relationship of credit risk and loan contract, it points out the integration of credit risk and ex ante credit risk control-loan contract. 本文的第三章,从不完备契约理论以及信贷风险和借贷契约的关系入手建立了分析问题的理论平台,指出信贷风险和信贷风险事前控制的结合点&借贷契约。
The ex ante Analysis of Perfect Information Acquiring in Decision Making under Uncertainty 不确定性决策中完全信息获得的事前分析
The finding shows that high-growth firms control underinvestment incentives by reducing leverage but not by shortening debt maturity ex ante. 研究发现高成长性的公司通过前期减少负债而不是缩短债务期限来控制投资不足动机。
From the perspective of ex ante incentive, it carefully analyses all kinds of firm financing, then induces that the diversity is an optimal financing mechanism. 4. 从事前激励的角度,本文仔细地分析了企业的各种融资方式,并诱导出了多样性是一种最优的融资机制。
The possible ex post renegotiation may cause the deficiency of ex ante investment incentives. 不完全契约可能导致的事后谈判将使得事前投资激励不足。